Happy Birthday to our beautiful daughter, Roberta . Have a lovely day sweetheart, hope you enjoy this present! We long considered what to get you that would top last year’s mini break to the Netherlands to visit that Dutch Cheese Museum you’d cleverly hinted at a month or so before your birthday. We’re sure this will be much more beneficial. Love, Mum and Dad xx This gift voucher entitles you to 6 months FREE membership to ChooseFit Gym, Hartley Village. Welcome to ChooseFit (See reverse for terms and conditions) Hmm, 6 months. Okay then. Thank you Mum and Dad.
Did I not tell them exactly why we enjoyed the trip to the Cheese Museum so much last June? Maybe I didn’t put enough emphasis on how relaxing the stay at the hotel was, and how we really appreciated the time out from work and the routine of everyday life. Did I not send them a postcard from the gift shop on the second day telling them how we could already smell the freshly baked cheese and onion rolls coming from the cafe just waiting in line to present our tickets? And how upon entering each room (at a leisurely pace, might I add) we were given free samples of one of the varieties of cheeses showcased in that exhibition? And when we weren’t strolling, comfortably observing cheese wedges or effortlessly absorbing rather unnecessary facts about their origins, we were resting. (And eating, but mostly resting.) Nothing was going to top that!
Ah well, a gym membership might be equally as... no. It’s basically the other end of the cheeseboard… I mean scale! The complete other end of the scale. I suppose tasting the crumbs of the other side won’t cause me any harm, will it? I’ll just have to dig in! Take a bite! Or do I mean, step? Yes- take a step! Although that’s what I told myself last time I partook in something out of my comfort zone, and that caused way too much discomfort! In hindsight, I probably did over-react slightly to the sound of the words “short fasting period” spoken at the last INeedHealth! class. After all, she did say it was an optional detox process, but I’d already stood up in protest and it seemed too late to backtrack once I'd taken in that last part.
I wonder whether the gym gives out free samples of what the cafe is serving that day. You know, like, upon approaching each exercise ‘zone’.
Hm, that wouldn’t be so bad!
Ah but I just bet they make you do something on an exercise machine first, before letting you take the sample. Will was telling me just the other week how James’ wife had him out buying ingredients for honey-glazed carrot and parsnip soup after she had the soup-of-the-day in the cafe for her post-workout lunch. She gets obsessive like that, Daisy. She’s probably made a huge batch and got a freezer full! I would’ve thought she’d have brought some round by now, only living three doors down. Oh well, I suppose the gym might sample that one anyway if it’s a favourite. Quite a few of our neighbours go to ChooseFit- it’s only five minutes down the road just past the Bakery.
Ooh! Now that’s a thought!
Gym, post-workout lunch courtesy of the café (I assume the membership entitles you to free meals- it makes sense seeing as it’s all part of the experience and it wouldn’t be worth the money otherwise) then a quick pop into the bakery for a re-energising cinnamon bun to enjoy with a cuppa when I get home. I read somewhere once that you must be careful when it comes to exercise- a lot of people don’t “replenish the nutrients” (or something or other) that they just lost after exercise. Its all about the balance you see! So the nearby bakery will be handy for that.
I’ve driven past and seen Daisy coming out of the gym loads of times on my way home from the Indian takeaway. I don’t know how she does it at that time. What does she do about her tea? Does she have it before she goes? No, because someone like Daisy would know the rule about not eating a big meal before you swim, and surely that applies for any form of exercise. Does she go home and make it late? (Who could be bothered with that after all the exercise?!) She never has a takeaway bag in her hand so she must go home and cook herself a meal! Unless, surely not, maybe? Does she… skip tea?
Nooo! What am I thinking- no one in their right mind would skip a meal, especially not the best meal of the day! James must make it for her before he has his breakfast. James is a fireman and works mostly night shifts; him and Will squeeze a quick chat in most mornings as he’s often arriving home just as Will is leaving for work.
To be quite honest, I don’t know exactly what to expect. I’ve got a feeling the gym is not going to be quite my scene. But who knows! My motto in life is “Always try it before you say you don’t like it!” I usually say that to the children at dinner time, as it sure did great things for my appetite. I’ve recently started working as a dinner lady in St Matthew’s Primary school- after just a fortnight it’s proving to be quite enjoyable! I made a promise to myself after being let go from the team 6 months back that I’d start spending more time doing the things I actually like… and this seems like a step in the right direction. Of course, I don’t get a free meal like the infants, but when a child starts crying because they thought it was ‘Pie Friday’ when it’s actually ‘Waffle Wednesday’, sometimes it seems best to just make the waffle disappear. You know, out of concern for the child’s emotional wellbeing.
Maybe I’ll go for my first gym tasting… I mean, taster, session tomorrow morning.