Poetic, honest and musing, Snow Patrol‘s latest and specially created EP The Fireside Sessions expresses an overriding theme of dark versus light, and hope that comes with unity.
One of the things that makes this collection of songs special is the involvement and accreditation of the fans (The Saturday Songwriters) brought together through casual Instagram Live song-writing sessions over lockdown with Gary Lightbody, the band’s frontman. Followers of one of the UK’s best loved alternative, indie rock bands were welcomed and emerged themselves into a unique creative process that I personally have never known a musician to set out before. Not only have Snow Patrol produced an album that will hold a special place in the hearts of their many fans who played a part in its creation, but they have also explained that all proceeds from this EP will be benefitting The Trussell Trust, helping to fund food banks all over the UK. The lyrics of these five tracks are genuine and beautiful; I truly feel you can sense the togetherness that the outlet created for fans to share in and make sense of emotions that, no doubt, we’ve all felt throughout the “upside-downness” of this time.
Anyone who knows and loves Snow Patrol will know not to expect a high energy party playlist but more a soft rock, contemplative soundtrack, and this latest release is just that. The Fireside Sessions are the perfect company on a long journey or a walk around your town, sat in the garden in the evening with friends or a slow Sunday morning relaxing. Having said that, though these songs have a distinct toasted marshmallow taste, it is easy to imagine them being played live at a festival, enjoyed by an all-age crowd.The first song to be released as a single is the most upbeat of the five. ‘Reaching Out To You’ has a bassy, almost bouncy, feet-tapping and head-nodding feel with a melody that really sticks in your head. My personal favourite track titled ‘On The Edge Of All This’ is characterised by rhythmically strumming ed acoustic guitar chords repeated throughout. It has a minor, edgy tone in the verses that expresses a fear, though the lyrics are hopeful and victorious, saying “There’s another kingdom where we’ll meet again, with the fire behind us and the light ahead”. The heaviness of the verse evaporates, bringing a weightless quality to the chorus, with distant choral-like background vocals and layering which gives it a warmth and dreaminess. “We did it all majestically in the dark, tripping over ourselves”- this song seems to tell the roller-coaster story of life, its unpredictability, our lack of understanding but knowing that we want to share it with someone.
This EP is pensive, full of gorgeous Irish-accented metaphors, steady drums and a gentle guitar rhythms. ‘The Curve Of Earth’ reminds us of the security felt in the simple but beautiful things life has to offer, and how the possibility of those slipping away can bring a lonely head-space. I believe it expresses someone almost wanting to say “Don’t forget me, I’ve not forgotten you”- a sort of lament with a touch of hope.Instrumentally The Fireside Sessions are mellow and chilled, easy-listening. There’s lovely banjo-like plucking in parts of the album which give it its classic campfire feel, but with lyrics that portray a real sense of missing, even longing at times. I feel as though I could write a literature essay on this EP! Each song is created like a poem to peaceful, indie soft rock music. It discusses the parallels between darkness and feeling lost and distant, and light being the thing that fills us with life, in such a sweet and genuine way.
The message of hope within the story is what stands out when listening to this Snow Patrol record. Although some lyrics can be taken as specific to the unsettling time we are in – “applause on door steps swells like Sunday church bells” – these songs represent more than a time frame, but a shared hope that brings us together. Their relevance simply to life itself will surely see this special EP stand the test of time.
(Read the review originally written for Writebase by clicking on the link below...